How Do I Keep My Lawn Good?

A good lawn requires proper watering and mowing by Lawn Care Utah County. It also needs aeration and over seeding at least annually. Lawn pests like chinch bugs and sod webworms and grubs need to be managed right away with a professional program.

All varieties of grass need adequate direct sunlight to survive. Shaded lawns may require other solutions such as mulch or planting beds if trees are dense and cannot be thinned.


Mowing your lawn at the proper height is one of the most important steps to keeping it healthy. The height of your mowing is determined by the type of grass you have, its season and the weather conditions. Grass that grows in the shade of trees requires a higher cut than does open grass, because it has to compete for nutrients and soil with tree roots. Cool-season grasses like bluegrass and fescue need to be mowed more often in spring than do warm-season grasses like zoysia.

A well-mowed lawn looks good, but it also provides important benefits for the environment. For example, taller grass provides refuge and nesting locations for birds, bees and butterflies. These pollinators are essential to ecosystems because they assist with plant reproduction. In fact, a decline in the population of these priceless insects can have a negative impact on ecosystems. In addition, longer grass and wildflowers create a natural habitat for wildlife such as rabbits, voles and reptiles. These animals rely on vegetation cover for protection against predators and to raise their young, so the presence of a lush lawn supports the health of local wildlife.

Proper mowing practices include mowing on a regular schedule, using sharp blades and never scalping the turf. Cutting the grass too short puts stress on the plant, reducing its vigor and making it more vulnerable to disease and insect infestation. It is also a good idea to vary your mowing direction. Rotating your mowing pattern helps prevent soil compaction, which inhibits water drainage and hinders nutrient absorption.

Lastly, it is important to be careful when mowing around shrubs and flowers because the branches of these plants can interfere with the mower's path. Always check the cutting height of your lawn before starting to mow to make sure that it is at the correct level.

A properly functioning lawn depends on many factors, including soil conditions, watering, fertilization and mowing. If you are having problems with your lawn, consider a soil test to determine the condition of the dirt beneath. Annual aeration and over seeding are also important for maintaining a healthy lawn.


The health of your grass depends on many factors, including the type of soil and the amount of sun it gets. However, the most important factor is watering. When lawns receive the proper amount of water they thrive and are more resistant to disease, insects and drought. The key is to know how much and when to water, as well as the best times of day.

The ideal time to water is early in the morning, as the soil will soak in better and less water will be lost to evaporation. Watering in the evening can encourage the growth of moisture-loving fungi and promotes shallow root systems, which will make the grass more susceptible to heat stress.

Avoid watering too often, as this can lead to an increase in disease and weeds. If you use an automatic sprinkler system, be sure it is properly set so it does not run during rainstorms or during times when your lawn already has adequate moisture. Overwatering can also cause the grass to develop a dense, compacted texture that is difficult to maintain and makes it more prone to heat stress and drought.

During the summer, cool-season grasses like bluegrass and fescue can become a little yellow or brown in patches as they experience some heat stress. But this is normal and they will re-green as temperatures drop and the weather becomes cooler again. Warm season grasses like zoysia and Bermuda are a bit more resilient to the hot summer sun, but they can also become a little drab and yellow as temperatures rise in the late summer and into fall.

When the grass starts to look a little tired and dry, it's time to water. The general rule is to provide an inch of water every three days. To be sure the lawn is getting enough moisture, use a screwdriver to test how deep the water penetrates. Aim to water until the soil is moist to six inches down. You can also check the soil's moisture level by mowing a small section of the lawn and checking how long it takes for the grass to recover when you mow again.


A healthy lawn is the foundation of a beautiful property and adds curb appeal. It is also an important part of your home’s ecosystem, protecting water quality and filtering nutrients from runoff. Regular lawn fertilization is one of the most important things you can do to keep your grass green, healthy and looking good.

The secret to a lush, green lawn is fertilization, which nourishes the grass and enriches the soil. Lush, green grass is better able to withstand the stresses of heat, cold, drought, excessive rain, foot traffic and mowing. It is also more resistant to diseases, pests and weeds.

Grass needs a steady supply of nitrogen to produce new growth and color. Without enough nitrogen, your lawn will become thin and patchy. The best way to know how much fertilizer your lawn requires is to get a soil test done by a professional. A soil test measures the levels of major nutrients like phosphorus and potassium, which are crucial for a healthy turf.

Fertilizers are available in organic and synthetic forms. Both contain a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK). It is important to choose the right type of fertilizer for your grass and local climate conditions. You should always check the nutrient content of fertilizers by looking at their three-number code. The first number represents the percentage of nitrogen in the product and the second indicates the amount of phosphorus and the third number shows the percent of potassium. Look for a fertilizer that contains Slow Release Nitrogen, which allows the fertilizer to break down slowly and feed the grass evenly. This minimizes clumping and helps prevent mowing problems and excess nitrogen from washing into nearby waterways where it can pollute the environment.

Some of the most popular fertilizers include Weed and Feed, which combines a weed control element with a lawn food to encourage growth and help fend off weeds; An organic fertilizer made from treated sewage sludge that is rich in slow-release nutrients and encourages deep root development; and traditional granular nitrogen or liquid fertilizers. No matter what type of fertilizer you use, it is a good idea to water the lawn soon after applying so that the nutrients are washed into the soil rather than running off into storm drains or contaminating the surrounding environment.


A thick, healthy lawn crowds out weeds and provides little space for them to germinate. You can use pre-emergent weed killers to destroy them as they sprout in the spring and follow through with spot treatments throughout the summer. If you do this you'll be less likely to have to use chemical herbicides (which also damage grass) later on.

If your lawn has thin areas, aerate it and apply grass seed in the spring and late summer/early fall. It's a good idea to overseed your entire yard once every two years. A light fertilization in early spring and fall helps jump-start root growth, repair summer damage and prepare for winter. Be sure to read the numbers on your lawn fertilizer labels, and stick to a program that fits your lawn's needs.

Watering early in the day is better than doing so at night because it allows your soil to absorb more water without losing any to evaporation. If your lawn seems to be drying, it's often because it's shaded or because of the type of soil you have. For example, clay soil loses water much more quickly than sandy soil.

Weeds are competition for grass for water and nutrients, and they harbor diseases that hurt your lawn. Learn about common lawn weeds and how to get rid of them with basic changes to your lawn care routine, such as mowing at a higher height or changing your watering schedule. If your weed problem gets out of hand, ask local gardeners and university extension specialists for advice before resorting to herbicides.

A thick, green lawn is a sign of a well-maintained property, and it doesn't have to cost a lot to keep it that way. It's worth the time and effort to improve your lawn, but if you just don't have the time to do it yourself, hiring a professional may be a smart move. They have the knowledge and experience to give you a gorgeous lawn that will impress your neighbors. And they will work on your schedule! It's a win-win situation for both of you.

A good lawn requires proper watering and mowing by Lawn Care Utah County. It also needs aeration and over seeding at least annually. Lawn pests like chinch bugs and sod webworms and grubs need to be managed right away with a professional program. All varieties of grass need adequate direct sunlight to survive. Shaded lawns…